Girls HS Fitness Test
The Waconia Girls HS Soccer program will once again utilize the attached fitness testing as a benchmark for all players.
The Coaching Staff strongly encourages players to become familiar with all of these exercises and have a basic level of fitness before the start of the summer season. If you have questions please contact any of the seniors via the Facebook page.
In addition, the coaching staff recommends that players implement both a plyometric/strenght/conditioning routine. If players are not currently enrolled in a strength and conditioning program, attached is a suggested workout routine. Players should not overdue this, but should come into camp prepared to be able to perform some of these activities without being overly taxed. At least one of the Fartlek Workouts will be part of the HS Tryout so be familiar with them!
Soccer Skills Videos
Soccer Skills Videos
Weeks 1 - 3 of the High School and Middle School Seasons will feature the use of the attached beast mode skills. Players should spend time this off-season mastering each of these skills. Pick one or two of these moves and spend ten minutes 1 or 2 days a week mastering these skills.
Weeks 1 - 3 of the High School and Middle School Seasons will feature the use of the attached beast mode skills. Players should spend time this off-season mastering each of these skills. Pick one or two of these moves and spend ten minutes 1 or 2 days a week mastering these skills.
Goal Setting
Every single player in the program should complete the attached Goal Setting Worksheet and be prepared to turn this worksheet in on Monday August 14, 2017. Per the informational meeting, do not list "Making varsity" as a goal.
Be honest and spend some time writing this out. It will help the coaching staff to further your development throughout the season!
Captain Application
Players interested in applying for a captain role with the Waconia HS Girls Soccer Team should complete the following form and be ready to turn the form in on Wednesday August 16, 2017 at practice.