Waconia Futsal League
Due Date: Age groups remain open until they are filled, this is a first come first serve basis. Players electing to do both sessions will however take precedent over players participating in 1 session.
Click the Registration and pay below at the
same time:
Session 1 & 2 - $180 (16 weeks) November - March
Please click the Add to Cart Button to pay for both sessions
Session 1 - $105 (8 weeks) November - Mid January
Session 2 - $105 (8 weeks) Mid January - March
Please click the Add to Cart Button to pay for a single session
Cost Includes: 2 T-shirts
Equipment: Players can wear regular tennis shoes, indoor soccer shoes or futsal shoes plus shin guards and bring a soccer ball.
Playing area: The entire area of the court will be used (see picture below) to maximize space for players. The ball stays in play unless it goes behind the goal or over pads in the corner.
Boys Futsal Registration
Dates: Listed on the Boys Futsal Page
Times: November - March
Location: Safari Island
**Please Register and Pay at the same time**
Payment for Both Boys Session:
Payment for Boys Sessions 1 or 2:
For Boys Futsal Questions contact: waconiafc@gmail.com
Info: Futsal is an indoor soccer league, played with a futsal ball, in Waconia put on by the Waconia High School coaches for the offseason.
This season the players will have a 5 minute warm up and then will be playing 2 - 25 minute halfs. Age groups may vary this for more ball touches in warm-ups and less game time to find the best fit. Teams will be rotated each week.
Girls Futsal Registration
Dates: Listed on the Girls Futsal Page
Times: November - March
Location: Safari Island
**Please Register and Pay at the same time**
Contact Coach Woyno if you have girls futsal questions: ivan.waconiasoccer@gmail.com
Info: Futsal is an indoor soccer league, played with a futsal ball, in Waconia put on by the Waconia High School coaches for the offseason.
This season the players will have a 5 minute warm up and then will be playing 2 - 25 minute halfs. Age groups may vary this for more ball touches in warm-ups and less game time to find the best fit. Teams will be rotated each week.